Practical infos

The Festival venues

An exceptional place in the midst of the Alps...

How to get to Les Arcs?

By Train

Train is easy and environmentally friendly. Les Arcs is the most accessible train station from Paris, Lyon, London, and other European cities.
If you’re coming from or passing through Chambéry, TER trains run regularly ! 

Once you’ve arrived at Bourg Saint Maurice train station, the funicular operates between the train station and Les Arcs 1600 in only 7 minutes. 
The funicular is free for pass and accreditation holders. 

You'll soon be able to find the timetable on this page.

By Car

Carsharing is an economical and ecological way to get to Les Arcs, while meeting new people who probably share your love of cinema. Visit to share your journey or join one already shared. 

For electric and hybrid cars, Bourg-Saint-Maurice has 27 charging stations. You can find them on

Snow chains are required when driving in the snow.

Motorway up to Albertville

2x2 lane road up to Moûtiers

RN 90 up to Bourg St Maurice

Road from Bourg St Maurice up to Arc 1600, Arc 1800, Arc 1950 and Arc 2000

By Plane

A plane journey emits 80% more CO2 than a train journey. However, we understand that in some cases, air travel remains indispensable. If you find yourselves in one of those “cases”, we invite you to check the box guaranteeing a flight with a carbon neutral footprint at booking, or to calculate your carbon footprint using the tool provided by the French Ecological Transition Agency (ADEME): Access to the tool.

Once you know how much you emitted, you can compensate by supporting a French carbon capture and storage project: Projets bas carbone, Projets stockage CO2. 

However, as we believe that a posteriori compensation has limits, we invite you to be aware of your actions to avoid emissions beforehand. 

Four airports and one heliport are at your disposal. We recommend Geneva airport, offering more possibilities. Lyon and Geneva are about 2h30 from Les Arcs, Grenoble 2h and Chambéry 1h30.

Geneva Cointrin airport (Switzerland) -
Lyon Saint Exupéry airport - www.lyon.aeroport.en
Chambéry airport -
Grenoble airport -
Mont Blanc Heli Mountains (Arc 1950) -

Shuttles between the airports and Bourg Saint Maurice/Les Arcs:

Cool Bus

For reservations, please contact Rob :
Phone: +33 (0)6 32 19 29 62
The fees will be available in the fall. 


Shuttles will be proposed between Geneva airport, Chambéry and Bourg Saint Maurice stations to Les Arcs. Please check this page for schedules.

The festival shuttle

Count a 2 hour trip from Chambéry.

For the professionals with accreditations, a tab named transportation will appear in your personal space. Do not hesitate to get information and book your two way trip for Les Arcs from this dedicated tab. 

For those taking part in the Summit, a free shuttle (included in the subscription to the Summit) will be provided. 



Getting around the resort by cab

Taxi Terminal of Bourg-Saint-Maurice:
+33(0)6 72 01 00 61

Estimated taxi fare & rates:

Bourg Saint Maurice ↔ Arc 1600/1800: 50€
Bourg Saint Maurice ↔ Arc 1950/2000: 70€

Estimated inter-resort fare & rates (subject to vehicle availability in Les Arcs):

1800 ↔ 1950: 30€
1800 ↔ 2000: 35€
1800 ↔ 1600: 15€
1800 ↔ 1800: 10€
1800 ↔ Bourg-Saint-Maurice: 50€

For safety reasons, please request a fare estimate when you book your taxi. 

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