Practical infos


Les Arcs Film Festival: an inclusive event


The Les Arcs Film Festival team is committed to ensuring the festival is accessible and welcoming to all those who wish to participate in our event.

As part of this approach, the festival offers a number of adapted sessions:

Hearing accessibility

All films are screened in their original versions, and foreign-language films are subtitled in French. Several screenings with SME subtitles and meetings interpreted in LSF (Langue des Signes Française) will also be offered, in collaboration with the association Les Montagnes du silence. 

> The film Bonnard, Pierre et Marthe was screened with SME subtitles on 17 December 2023 at the Centre Bernard Taillefer.
> The documentary La Ferme des Bertrand was screened with SME subtitles on 20 December 2023 at the Cœur d'or cinema.

The discussions with the film crews were translated into sign language.

Visual accessibility

Thanks to the Twavox system, the festival offers audio-description screenings for blind and partially-sighted audiences.

As far as possible, we are committed to offering screenings with audio description and/or subtitles for the hearing impaired. However, as most of the films presented at the festival are previews, these options are unfortunately not always available (particularly for foreign films).

The films Voyage au Pôle Sud and Bonnard, Pierre et Marthe were available in audio description via the Twavox application on 17 December 2023 at the Centre Bernard Taillefer.

Come along with a smartphone and headphones!

Physical accessibility

Our venues are all accessible to people with reduced mobility. However, some movements in the resort are made difficult by unpredictable snow conditions, which complicate access to certain sites, and by sometimes complex infrastructures (numerous lifts, small staircases, etc.). Note also that the Arc 2000 venue has a derogation for not having specific PRM access, but we're not giving up: let us know if you want to go there and we'll do our best to help you. The most easily accessible venues are those in Bourg Saint Maurice (the Coeur d'Or) and the Bernard Taillefer centre.

For more information, download our practical guide.

CALM Screening “Comme À La Maison”

In partnership with the Handi Pep's association, the festival is offering a CALM screening ‘Comme à la maison’, enabling people with or without disabilities (mainly mental and cognitive) to go to the cinema and enjoy a more relaxed screening with dimmed lighting and reduced sound, and permission to talk and move around during the film. Just like at home, everyone can experience the film in their own way. The film Kina & Yuk : renards de la banquise was shown on 16 December 2023 at the Cœur d'or cinema during a CALM screening.

Discover the Arcs Film Festival presentation in FALC (Facile à Lire et à Comprendre).

Practical infos

Inclusion Mobility Card (MIC) holders are eligible for a reduced rate of 4,5 EUR / screening.

To make sure your visit is as comfortable as possible, please go directly to the ticket office to let them know what you need. The festival team is trained to welcome all types of audience and will be able to accompany you if possible.


If you have a physical, sensory or cognitive disability, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will do our best to accommodate you.

Pascaline Meunier
+33 (0)1 82 28 50 10

With the support of CCHT (Communauté de Communes de Haute Tarentaise).

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