Our engagements
Fighting against gender-based and sexual violences
Révélations Culturelles, the association organizing the Arcs Film Festival, wishes to affirm to all its employees, service providers, volunteers, participants, guests and partners its utter commitment and willingness to prevent sexist and gender based violence.
The Festival board is legally bound to prevent, protect and react to any situation of harassment and/or sexist and sexual violence involving one of its employees or a person for whom it is directly responsible (volunteer, trainee).
On this page, you'll find our charter against sexual and gender-based violence. In particular, you'll find the procedure we'll put in place in the event of a report, the contact details of the harassment referents as well as useful resources and numbers.
If you are victim or a witness, you can contact the harassment referents by e-mail at: preventionharcelement@lesarcs-filmfest.com
Les Arcs Film Festival encourages you to download the APP-ELLES application, which lets you quickly alert your loved ones as well as the emergency services. You will also find associations and other professional services contacts to help you if you are a victim or witness an act of gender-based and sexual violence, as well as a range of useful resources and factsheets on the subject.
APP-ELLES : Google Play - App Store