Our engagements

A local and global implication

Our commitment to organisations

For the 2022 edition, we made a commitment to the Vanoise National Park. The overall donation (ours and that brought by festival-goers) helps to finance the Park's various projects and actions, such as the protection of the Alpine ibex, the renovation of a refuge and the creation of educational kits for young people on educational outings.

In 2023, we have decided to support the local branch of the Office National des Forêts, which is involved in protecting the Black Grouse and reforesting three hectares of forest that have dried out over the last two years.

In addition to these occasional commitments to local environmental and biodiversity protection bodies, we are committed to obtaining REEVE certification for the 2023 event. The association works to raise awareness of environmental issues in the world of culture by offering training, online resources and advice. Their label aims to reward and identify cultural events committed to exemplary eco-responsibility in France and across Europe.

Our green charter commitment

Since 2021, Les Arcs is a signatory of the Green Charter for Film Festivals, which involves a commitment to measure its consumption and publish a status report each year.

Indeed, organizing a film festival, especially in the mountains, is a source of pollution, and we're well aware of this. We accept it as a whole, because we feel it's important to share, disseminate, promote and participate in the renewal of European cinema. However, every year we commit ourselves to finding new ideas, adopting good habits, being more aware and sometimes giving up to reduce our impact.

Green charter report 2022

In a context of overall increase in emissions, we are pleased to see that our consumption has fallen by 8%, with an estimated total of 72 tonnes of Co2 (comparable to 2021, with a total of 75 tonnes in 2022 with the new measures), compared with 78.5 tonnes in 2021.We are in line with our new commitment as members of the Collectif 5%. However, we know that this is still too high, that we need to do better and that many of the figures are cyclical. These conclusions should be viewed with a degree of modesty and caution.

However, we are delighted to have achieved encouraging results that show that together we can do better. We would like to thank our teams, participants and partners for their efforts and commitment.

The carbon equivalent calculations were made using data from the econologie.com website, the Enercoop website and ADEME's impactco2.com. The calculations are not always precise (sometimes we don't have precise enough data, for example on the difference between diesel and petrol), and this calculation is not intended to express a precise carbon report, but rather to enable us to assess and understand our impact.

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